City of Sun Prairie

Yard Waste:
Please be aware that we will need to strictly enforce the existing policy that plastic bags must NOT be tied shut. Plastic bags that are tied shut will not be collected. This has always been the policy, but has not been strictly enforced until May of 2023. Tying your plastic bags shut requires the crews to cut each one open, which greatly increases the time of collection and expense to the City. Please leave lids off of reusable containers and poly bags untied as well. Compostable bags can be shut, however, as the whole bag will be taken. 

Residents can take their yard waste to the City of Sun Prairie Recycle Center. (Note: A Recycle Center Permit is required to enter the Recycle Center. This is a sticker that should be displayed on your windshield when entering the facility.)

For questions regarding your service, contact us below or call 608-257-4285.

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FAQs for the City of Sun Prairie


Carts should be out by the street by 7:00 am. The time your trash or recycling is picked up may vary from week to week. Both trash and recyclables are collected every week. Trash and recycling carts are collected separately and may be serviced at different times of the day. 

Some items may be taken to the City of Sun Prairie Recycling Center, such as non-freon appliances. Please click here for the City's website with more information. For items that cannot be taken to the Recycling Center, there is a charge per item for curbside pick-up of bulky items such as stoves, refrigerators (with doors removed), hot-water tanks, furniture and other large household items. Select the Bulky Items button above to review your pricing and contact us for scheduling. We are happy to provide you with instructions for disposal, as well as alternative disposal options if available.