Do not place any batteries, battery-containing items, or rechargeable items in your trash or recycling dumpsters. They can start fires.
Inside the building: Always place recycling and trash receptacles together so it is convenient to recycle. Apply easy-to-understand labels on all trash and recycling receptacles as this will increase recycling.
Confirm that the person(s) taking out the building's waste is placing the recyclable items in the proper dumpster.
Should you choose to bag recyclables you place into the dumpster, please use clear or transparent bags and leave open - do not tie or seal.
All items should be loose and empty. Do not place smaller items inside of larger containers.
Your recycling dumpster will not be emptied up if it contains trash, yard waste or prohibited items. Recycling containers containing food or liquids, construction waste, electronics and tires CANNOT be placed in the recycling dumpster.
If you have large volumes of pre- and post-consumer materials (paper, plastics, cardboard, metals, and much more), we can customize a recycling plan that will save you money and reduce waste. Learn more at or call (608) 257-4285.