Do not place any batteries, battery-containing items, or rechargeable items in your trash or recycling carts. They can start fires.
Containers containing food or liquids, construction waste or electronics CANNOT be placed in the recycling cart.
Should you choose to bag recyclables you place into the cart, please use clear or transparent bags and leave open - do not tie or seal. Clear bags can be purchased at most grocery and hardware stores.
Flatten all cardboard and boxes to help ensure that your cart empties completely. The lid on your cart should shut.
Do not flatten or crush plastic or metal items. Do not place smaller items inside larger containers. All items should be loose and empty. Remove all food waste, plastic, Styrofoam and packing peanuts.
Your recycling cart will not be picked up if it contains trash, yard waste, prohibited items, or if overloaded.
Click here to view a 7-minute video showing what happens to your recyclables, dozens of recycling tip videos, and a Recycle Right Search Tool to verify if items are recyclable. For any remaining questions, please email or call (608) 257-4285.