The Village of Oregon is divided into 4 geographic areas for refuse and recycling collection
The standard size carts in the Village of Oregon are the 35-gallon trash (dark brown) cart and 65-gallon recycling (blue) cart. Should you require a larger trash cart, there is an annual fee payable directly to Pellitteri Waste Systems (there is no annual fee for a larger recycling cart). There is no annual fee for a larger recycling cart. There is a curbside exchange fee ($18 in 2022) required to change your cart size(s). For information on changing cart sizes please call Pellitteri Waste Systems (608) 257-4285.
The carts should be at the street by 6:00am on your scheduled pickup day. After your cart is emptied, please remove it from the street that day.
Carts should be as close to the street as possible, but no further than two feet. The cart should be placed on level ground, and should be at least three feet from any obstacle such as utility poles, mailboxes, trees, and parked cars. The handles of the carts should face your house so that the lid opens properly when being dumped.
Only household trash can be put in your trash cart. Do not place any recyclables, brush/leaves, construction materials, demolition, electronics or hazardous materials in your cart.
Please click on "Recycle Info" under the "Additional Information" section above for a list of acceptable recyclables.
If it is a small amount of extra trash, you may want to consider waiting until the following week to have it picked up in your cart. If you have additional bags of trash, we will pick it up for a pre-paid nominal fee. If you frequently have extra trash, you may want to consider upgrading to a larger trash cart or an additional cart. Please call us at (608) 257-4285 for scheduling and/or cart size options and pricing.
With the switch to weekly recycling in 2021, additional recycling outside of the cart is no longer included. If you have additional recycling, please call our office at 608-257-4285 to prepay for additional bags prior to your pickup day. Please do not overload your carts, the cart lids should shut. Additional recycling, including extra cardboard, must be placed in a clear plastic bag no larger than 32-gallons and no heavier than 50 pounds. The extra bag fee is $3.60 per bag for 2024. If you consistently have additional recycling despite the new weekly recycling service, you may want to consider a larger or additional recycling cart. Please call us at (608) 257-4285 for scheduling and/or cart size options and pricing.
Additional carts are available for an annual fee. Please contact us for pricing and scheduling.
The automated collection program is not intended to provide this type of service. You have several options. For our company options you can call us at (608) 257-4285 for a phone quotation for one of our temporary dumpsters or click here for more information. It is best to arrange for this type of dumpster service prior to beginning the work. Also, check to see if we are running any special pricing or coupons in your area.
There is a charge per item for curbside pick-up of bulky items such as stoves, refrigerators (with doors removed), hot-water tanks, furniture and other large household items. Select the Bulky Items button above to review your pricing and contact us for scheduling. We are happy to provide you with instructions for disposal, as well as alternative disposal options if available.
No. The carts are not to be taken from the existing household. They stay at the property for the next residents.
Please call us at (608) 257-4285. The carts are the property of Pellitteri Waste Systems. We will take care of any normal wear and tear or damage done by our trucks. There is a fee to the resident if the cart is damaged or stolen while in their custody.
The automated cart dumping process lifts the cart upside down and stops with a slight jolt. If the material is wedged tightly in the cart the material may not come out. Please put heavier items in the bottom of the cart and do not compact the materials. If you have any additional questions please call us at (608) 257-4285.
Many factors can contribute to whether carts remain upright after being emptied. The automated system uses hydraulic arms to pick up the cart and dump it into the truck which are controlled by a joystick from inside the truck. The carts tend to be top-heavy once empty, especially 35 gallon carts and 65 gallon carts. Depending on how flat the surface of where the cart has been set, as well the size of the cart, how heavy the contents of the cart were, moisture on the outside of the cart, and the amount of wind, it can be very difficult to set the carts down without them tipping over. Due to safety concerns for both residents and the drivers, the drivers are not able to get out of their trucks to set cart back upright at every home. There are many benefits to the automated system, especially for safety and cost savings to residents. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with the automated system.
Brush and yard waste cannot be placed in your trash or recycling carts. Brush and yard waste are both banned from landfills in Wisconsin. Please check with your local municipality to see how you are supposed to handle your brush or yard waste. Many municipalities have drop-off sites and some may provide curbside pickup. Brush is generally defined as branches or limbs while yard waste includes grass clippings, leaves, weeds, vines, vegetable/plant matter, hay/straw, and twigs less than half an inch in diameter (roughly as thick as your thumb) and less than 12 inches long. The only exception is “invasive plant species” (or “noxious weeds”), which must go to the landfill. Pellitteri customers must place invasive plant species in black trash bags in your trash container with a note on the bag that says it contains invasive plant species so drivers don’t think it’s yard waste. Common invasive plant species include garlic mustard, honeysuckle, purple loosestrife, buckthorn and more.